Friday, January 29, 2010

IBM Lotus Domino and Notes Information Center

IBM Lotus Domino and Notes Information Center

Needed to cleanly uninstall Lotus Notes in Ubunutu after a I messed up original install..

Thursday, August 6, 2009

a Dell Inspiron 1100 resurrected with Ubuntu

This link was a key to the success so far.

Ubuntu, a Dell Inspiron 1100 and a blank screen after install | rikertothebridge

The laptop had problems with a flaky CD ROM, a failing hard drive warning, an old BIOS (A06 instead of current A32).

More to follow on some of the issues faced and solved so far...

BIOS update for A32 needed a windows disk, which I had already started to wipe with an Ubuntu install. I tried a bunch of CD bootable techniques, but with the flaky CDROM, I couldn't decide if it was bad burned disks, or laptop not able to read fully. I found a way to make a bootable USB, which is way nicer since the USB can be rewritten.

I got to reuse an old 16MB flash card and a usb card reader, way cool that that worked.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ubuntu 7.10: How to Uninstall KDE | Linux | Tech-Recipes

Ubuntu 7.10: How to Uninstall KDE | Linux | Tech-Recipes

From the above post...

Execute the following command in a terminal window:sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop

But if you installed KDE by using apt-get or Synaptic, there will be a little more to copy to the terminal window:

Execute the following command in a terminal window:sudo apt-get remove adept adept-batch adept-common adept-installer adept-manager adept-notifier adept-updater akregator amarok amarok-xine apport-qt ark arts debtags digikam dolphin enscript fftw3 foomatic-db-gutenprint gdebi-kde gnupg-agent gpgsm gtk-qt-engine gwenview hplip-gui hwdb-client-kde ijsgutenprint k3b kaddressbook kaffeine kaffeine-xine kamera karm katapult kate kbstate kcontrol kcron kde-guidance kde-guidance-powermanager kde-icons-mono kde-style-polyester kde-systemsettings kdeadmin-kfile-plugins kdebase-bin kdebase-data kdebase-kio-plugins kdebluetooth kdegraphics-kfile-plugins kdelibs-data kdelibs4c2a kdemultimedia-kfile-plugins kdemultimedia-kio-plugins kdenetwork-filesharing kdenetwork-kfile-plugins kdepasswd kdepim-kio-plugins kdepim-kresources kdepim-wizards kdeprint kdesktop kdesudo kdm kdnssd keep kfind kghostview khelpcenter kicker kio-apt kio-locate kio-umountwrapper kipi-plugins klipper kmag kmail kmailcvt kmenuedit kmilo kmix kmousetool kmplayer-base kmplayer-konq-plugins knetworkconf knotes konq-plugins konqueror konqueror-nsplugins konsole kontact konversation kooka kopete korganizer kpdf kpf kppp krdc krfb kscreensaver ksmserver ksnapshot ksplash ksplash-engine-moodin ksvg ksysguard ksysguardd ksystemlog ktorrent kubuntu-artwork-usplash kubuntu-default-settings kubuntu-desktop kubuntu-docs kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts kvkbd kwalletmanager kwin kwin-style-crystal language-selector-qt libakode2 libarts1-akode libarts1c2a libartsc0 libaudio2 libavahi-qt3-1 libclucene0 libcluceneindex0 libdbus-qt-1-1c2 libept0 libexiv2-0 libflac++6 libgmp3c2 libgpgme11 libid3tag0 libifp4 libijs-0.35 libimlib2 libjpeg-progs libk3b2 libkbluetooth0 libkcal2b libkcddb1 libkdcraw1 libkdepim1a libkexiv2-1 libkipi0 libkleopatra1 libkmime2 libkonq4 libkpimexchange1 libkpimidentities1 libksba8 libkscan1 libksieve0 libktnef1 liblua50 liblualib50 libmimelib1c2a libmodplug0c2 libmpcdec3 libmysqlclient15off libnjb5 libofa0 libopenexr2c2a libopenobex1 libpoppler-qt2 libpq5 libpth20 libpulse0 libpythonize0 libqt-perl libqt3-mt libqt4-core libqt4-gui librsync1 libruby1.8 libsamplerate0 libsearchclient0 libskim0 libsmokeqt1 libstreamanalyzer0 libstreams0 libstrigihtmlgui0 libtunepimp5 libungif4g libxapian15 libxcb-shape0 libxcb-shm0 libxcb-xv0 libxcb1 libxine1 libxvmc1 mysql-common network-manager-kde networkstatus perl-suid pinentry-qt poster psutils pykdeextensions python-kde3 python-qt3 python-qt4 python-qt4-dbus python-sip4 python2.5-dev qca-tls rdiff-backup restricted-manager-kde ruby ruby1.8 scim-qtimm skim software-properties-kde speedcrunch strigi-applet strigi-daemon && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I'm having problems downloading mail in Notes 8.5 - Gmail Help

To get IMAP for gmail working Notes I needed to run a telnet check. Not sure if this will be needed everytime or not.

I'm having problems downloading mail - Gmail Help: "To run the telnet test on a Windows computer:

1. Open the Start menu, and select Run.
2. Enter command in the Open: field, and click OK.
3. Enter 'telnet 993,' and hit Enter. (Does the information in the prompt window clear? If not, please note the message that appears.)
4. Close the prompt window."

Google Unit converter

I just found this cool!!!

You can use Google to convert between many different units of measurement of height, weight, and volume among many others. Just enter your desired conversion into the search box and we’ll do the rest.

I tried 1528 ft in it!!!

Ubuntu issue unable to show contents of the folder - Ubuntu Forums

Had a strange issue that just started with my Archos.
When attaching the USB connection to update my podcast subscriptions, it would give an error "Failed to get file list: -8: Fixed limit exceeded". A few searches on the Ubunutu forums I found the below thread which found a workaround to start Rhtymbox before connecting the media player. Hope this bug gets fixed soon, but need a note here to check back if I get this issue again.

[all variants] unable to show contents of the folder - Ubuntu Forums: "I am able to open it in Rhythmbox now. It only works if I open Rhythmbox first, and then attach the mp3 player. Between the gphoto thing and Rhythmbox all folders are usable now."

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How to end an unresponsive app in Ubuntu

Here's a link to the different ways on how to kill an unresponsive program UBUNTU.

1. GUI way: Right-click on an open portion of either panel and click on "add to panel", double click on the "Force quit" app.

2. System--->Administration--->System Monitor

3. Full screen lock out ctrl + alt + f2
ps -e

then find the process' ID I needed to kill, then type in

kill [pid]

Origianally from here:

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bug #153322 in compiz (Ubuntu): “Confusion between virtual desktops and viewports”

I've been struggling with this bug the last few days.... Need to read the results, workarounds, but this intro explains exactly what I found...

Bug #153322 in compiz (Ubuntu): “Confusion between virtual desktops and viewports”: "There is confusion between 'Virtual desktops' and 'Viewports' in Compiz. Both use the workspace switcher applet, which behaves differently depending on the settings."

continuing the bug report states:

Binary package hint: compiz

There is confusion between "Virtual desktops" and "Viewports" in Compiz. Both use the workspace switcher applet, which behaves differently depending on the settings.

Virtual desktop and viewports can be set in the Compiz settings menu under General options, Desktop size. When "Number of desktops" is set to 1, the workspace switcher applet shows the number of viewports. Using the keys crtl+alt+[left|right] I can switch between workspaces, and the applet show that.
If I set the number of desktop to any number higher than 1, the applet suddenly shows desktops, and no longer viewports, without any indication of that change. Using the hotkeys I can still switch between viewports, however, the applet does not change because it shows desktops. Clicking on the applet to switch to another desktop is possible, and there I have a whole new set of viewports. There are no hotkeys to switch to a new desktop.
From this new desktop, I can only see the application on the viewports associated with this desktop. E.g. the window selector applet only shows windows from the new desktop, and not windows from the first desktop. These windows are 'somehow lost'.

The unclear distinction between desktops and viewports leads also to other bugs, such as #145704. It is also not possible to drag windows between viewports, but it is possible to drag them between desktops.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Solution for Ubuntu 8.10 and RTL8187B WiFi problem (Short Range WiFi) | Linux4All.Net

I am not sure if this is the exact issue that I am looking for a solution to, but wanted to post a quick link here to check back later.Solution for Ubuntu 8.10 and RTL8187B WiFi problem (Short Range WiFi) | Linux4All.Net

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

IBM - For Notes 8.5, which clients are available in each install package?

IBM - For Notes 8.5, which clients are available in each install package?: "**If you want to launch Notes 8.5 in the Basic Configuration rather than Standard Configuration, create a shortcut on your desktop to point to nlnotes.exe in the Notes program directory. Or, simply launch nlnotes.exe . In addition, you can create a shortcut which executes notes.exe within the Notes program directory and add one of two command line switches, -sa or -basic. For example: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Notes\notes.exe -sa"